主题:【文摘】中世纪英国史资料 (1. 大宪章) -- 梦里依稀
- 共: 💬 33
I am just pointing out some facts and interested in the reason. Of course the reason would be very complex.
Westerner found the way of democracy, but Chinese did not. We would not say that it is just because they are smarter. There got to be some reason behind it, or maybe they are just coincidences.
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建议你看钱穆《中国古代政治得失》 fjord 字537 2003-10-29 19:02:31
我说的不是这个意思 梦里依稀 字288 2003-10-29 19:13:43
reference is important aokrayd 字1550 2003-10-30 07:54:20
I am not attacking on Chinese polition wisdom
“进口”的国王和“光荣革命” 梦里依稀 字3638 2003-10-29 00:58:03
很欣赏这段历史,梦姑娘是行家吗? 茶博士 字146 2003-10-30 11:19:50
梦不是什么行家, 半瓶醋都不是, 清末立宪的失败. 据说同异族皇室有关 梦里依稀 字0 2003-10-30 15:17:13
🙂我觉得清朝的责任大一些。 海天 字0 2003-10-30 11:29:12