主题:【原创】哥本哈根与气候变化 -- 晨枫
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intentionally put two weak lame ducks from small nations into these two key positions: they learned from the history.
There is consistent fight between national gov. and European Commission. A major integration push did not happen until former French PM and politician strongman Jacques Delors overtook the Commission and set up the ambitious goal of "A single market without frontier". He is one of the founding fathers of Euro.
National leaders make it very clear: they want very weak European federal gov. and strong national gov. That's a recipe for disaster.
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🙂去了 清道斩斫田令孜 字0 2009-12-20 21:20:25
🙂trojan horse, 说的好,英国就是这样 fumachu 字0 2009-12-20 12:37:19
🙂It is very funny that you 1 Javacai 字292 2009-12-20 11:49:02
🙂European leaders intentional
🙂“他的收获是暂时性的,而代价却是永久性的” 1 Javacai 字340 2009-12-23 18:49:30
🙂送花上宝! 他石 字0 2009-12-20 06:25:21
🙂这个与贸易谈判还是不一样的。 1 发沙 字250 2009-12-20 06:25:17
🙂所以说还要等到欧洲经济高度依赖中国的那一天 晨枫 字0 2009-12-20 06:32:05