主题:【原创】哥本哈根与气候变化 -- 晨枫
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even mention the EU presidency, without realizing that it is a step forward for European integration, however small it is.A year ago, people were talking about the death of Lisbon!
The history of European integration has been one of comprises and patience. That is what makes it so great.
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🙂看到这个想起来了,EU新总统和外长去了吗? 东东狐 字0 2009-12-20 17:34:12
🙂去了 清道斩斫田令孜 字0 2009-12-20 21:20:25
🙂trojan horse, 说的好,英国就是这样 fumachu 字0 2009-12-20 12:37:19
🙂It is very funny that you
🙂European leaders intentional parishg 字567 2009-12-23 11:19:41
🙂“他的收获是暂时性的,而代价却是永久性的” 1 Javacai 字340 2009-12-23 18:49:30
🙂送花上宝! 他石 字0 2009-12-20 06:25:21
🙂这个与贸易谈判还是不一样的。 1 发沙 字250 2009-12-20 06:25:17