主题:【原创】中国历史上的女英雄 之 梁红玉 -- 任爱杰
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最可笑的是文人领军,干涉军务。人家最喜欢喝的就是这样的老酸醋。马背上颠你个三五月。这帮人一定翻白眼。一顿猛烈冲锋,文人一定不吃眼前亏。溜先。见过文人南瓜脑袋冲锋在前嘛!没有,那凭什么别人冲到前头去为你送死。所以文人很难带出一支嫡系好队伍。就是袁崇焕真正在野战上也没什么本事办法。关宁铁骑 还是各部大帅领着的。连这个名,也都是有点不符实。比关内部队稍强点。靠高薪供着的。一不给钱,一样翻脸。
Well, 李敖's personality certainly is not my favorate, I actually didn't read much about his work. But I do read one book regarding in literature discussion, although I don't know much about that region, but I can feel his discussion is strict and supported by enough literature. Then compared with his criticization of 柏杨's work, I'm more comfortable to believe in 李敖. I'm not sure if that book is available for you. It's a discussion about one poem in 诗经. His idea is new and funny, but his literature work is sounded to support his concept. I guess he is a good student for 胡适.
I don't like 柏杨's work because he has too much different opinion compared with other authors. This is not bad, but without enough and careful literature support, this is a very very bad method. Especially when we consider all those years in literature revolution, in history reevaluation, this method should not be tolerated anymore. Especially he is a popular guy and that could have very bad influence.
If you are using Windows 2000 or later, the OS actually have native support for Chinese input. If you are using Linux, there are several input method that you can download and install.
My computer is 2000 and xp, I could use pingyin for input, but my pingyi is awful. So it's super slow. I only use Wubi, unfortunately I haven't found any wubi program can work in english version with support in Chines. And these computers belongs to the office, it's inappropriate to change the whole version.
I can use the computer at home to input Chinese, but not enough time to do that. So.....
If you are using Windows 2000 or later, the OS actually have native support for Chinese input. If yo...
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