主题:HP吃秤砣了,智能机也开始大甩卖 -- OldBadBug
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欧洲的河友注意了。deal轮流转,这回到欧洲。 HP马上要开始甩卖 HP Pre 3 了。原价349欧元或者299英镑,甩卖价据说只有75美元。HP这回是吃秤砣,铁了心要甩手机和webOS了。
HP Pre 3 Cancelled in U.S., Will Sell for $75 In Europe
The unlocked HP Pre 3 smartphone will go on sale "shortly" in both France and the U.K. for a mere $75 unlocked, according to HP.
As of this writing, the Pre 3 costs 349 euros ($505) in France and 299 pounds ($490) in the U.K., making the $75 sale a dramatic drop.
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06年买了个HP的tablet PC,见识到了啥叫电热炉,竟然比dell的还热!曾经放腿上用了不到一个小时,等到有感觉的时候,已经腿烫的通红,于是顿悟温水煮青蛙的道理。不得已,为它配了个cooling pad。