
主题:【席游记】佛罗里达! 啊,佛罗里达! -- 席琳

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  • 【席游记】佛罗里达! 啊,佛罗里达!


    席琳社的新闻说,在他的三位徒弟查理(Charley)、法兰西斯(Frances) 和一万(Ivan)飓风在一个多月内相继造访佛罗里达州后,唐三藏师傅本人([SIZE=3]Jeanne[/SIZE]飓风), 将于本星期天再一次视察佛罗里达。 闲杂人等,要赶紧逃命!!!













    报导说: 飓风来之前,除了准备好食物、药品、水、手电筒、收音机和尽量保证你家人的安全之外,你实在也没有什么好做的。

    佛罗里达州的州长结巴布什(小布什总统的弟弟),为了保护佛罗里达州的州民,也准备把佛罗里达州的雅称“阳光州”(sunshine state),改为三合板州(plywood state)。




    You might be a Floridian, if...

    ? You exhibit a slight twitch when introduced to anyone with the first names of Charley, Frances, Ivan, [SIZE=3]Jeanne[/SIZE], or Karl.

    ? An airboat is parked in your driveway instead of a car.

    ? You're looking at paint swatches, to accent the house color, for the plywood protecting your windows.

    ? You think of your closet as "safe-room cozy."

    ? You no longer worry about relatives visiting during the summer months.

    ? You too haven't heard back from the insurance adjusters.

    ? You've ordered gas cans via FedEx.

    ? You now understand what that little "2% hurricane deductible" phrase really means.

    ? You're putting a collage together on your driveway of roof shingles from your neighborhood.

    ? Your street has more than 3 "NO WAKE" signs posted on it.

    ? You now own 5 large ice chests.

    ? You recognize all the people in line at the free ice, gas, and plywood locations.

    ? You stop what you're doing and clap and wave when you see a convoy of power trucks come down your street.

    ? You get depressed when they don't stop.

    ? You have the personal cell phone numbers of the managers for: plywood, roofing supplies, and generators at Home Depot on your speed dial.

    ? You've spent more than $20 on "Tall white kitchen bags" to make your own sandbags.

    ? You're considering upgrading from a 16" to a 20" chainsaw.

    ? You now know what "bar chain oil" is.

    ? You're thinking of getting your wife a hardhat with the ear protectors & face shield for Christmas.

    ? You now think that $6000 for a whole-house generator seems reasonable.

    ? You look forward to discussions about the merits of "cubed, block, and dry ice."

    ? Your therapist refers to your condition as "generator-envy."

    ? You ask your relatives up north to start saving the Sunday Real Estate classifieds.


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