主题:【文摘】李贽之死 -- 沛公
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复 【文摘】李贽之死
This is a good example to show life is complicated, history could be confusing, and polition is never a simple issue.
Most questions simply come from simplified education.
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http://www.cchere.net/cbbs/Ps/RA2.asp?AID=245755 何足道 字0 2005-01-13 07:00:08
建国后对李贽太拔高了 豫蒙 字150 2005-01-13 00:22:27
他的书有一点尼采的倾向,总体上是批判者破坏者但不是建设者 思考得人 字601 2005-01-21 05:10:01
life is complicated