主题:【原创】断箭---这种东西丢了也可以不找吗?(1) -- daharry
- 共: 💬 130 🌺 412
落地放减速伞那段, B-47 接地速度太快,被弹到空中
The plane glances off the runway, becoming airborne again. The 16-foot-diameter runway-brake parachute is deployed in the air, a use for which it was not designed, and the plane hits the runway a second time and slows.
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🙂那老李比俺这老李狠。 1 李禾平 字36 2006-10-18 19:23:07
🙂禾平兄明鉴 daharry 字227 2006-10-18 20:40:55
😄好大的水杯,不知要等多久?花等下文 不是老陈 字0 2006-10-18 15:47:30
🙂又一高人。多谢指教。 daharry 字301 2006-10-18 20:17:33
🙂B-47上不止老李一个人吧? MacArthur 字77 2006-10-18 13:30:24
🙂B-47 机组只有三人 1 bangels 字497 2006-10-18 22:14:49
🙂地板! 大鹏翔宇 字0 2006-10-18 13:02:56