主题:【共享】部分史学名著的在线阅读(下载)网址 -- MP4
- 共: 💬 22
i'm in chemical Engineering.... not chemistry, but we are close. And people acutually never remember that engineering is different with science, so they always say me as chemistry....ha.
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实在没兴趣,也没时间研究,不过先收藏,等老了有时间了再看。 断坠儿 字0 2003-10-31 18:31:40
some links are missing, some are not there aokrayd 字44 2003-10-31 16:57:13
我试了一下 燕人狂徒 字80 2003-10-31 19:02:42
great, thanks a lot
太爽了, 没超星也能读书了。。。。感动得热泪盈眶。。。 一介 字14 2003-10-31 05:35:46
网上超星破解版有的是啊,我是觉得看着眼睛累 雪个 字0 2003-10-31 15:08:00
最烦超新了 燕人狂徒 字0 2003-10-31 05:40:11
我倒不烦超星, 但是因为笨。。没买着卡 一介 字27 2003-10-31 05:57:10