主题:【文摘】诸葛亮的政治表演术 -- 梦里依稀
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Very well written.
One of the problems of the traditional Chinese records, like The Three Kingdoms, is that they are edited, and sometimes even conceived from the outset, in a way that confirms with the Confucian ideal. Inconvenient facts that tend to undermine that ideal are often ignored or altered, or at least misinterpretted. Modern politicians could learn quite a bit from these spinsters.
One of the consequences of such an approach is that historical figures are molded into a few stereotypes. With their reasoning, their private judgements, and their passion hidden from view, they appear inaccessible and surreal.
It is up to us and future generations to deconstruct these figures, return them to their full humanity, with their desires and cravings, their passions and misgivings, their vanity and deceptions.
Any attempt to pull down their veil of infallible sainthood and reveal their true human nature, like this one, is sorely missed, and urgently needed.
A culture can not live on falsehood forever.
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【文摘】诸葛亮的政治表演术 梦里依稀 字12081 2003-09-27 22:49:42
🙂怎么我觉得对<出师表>的文字分析本身就像是文字狱呢? 蓝蚊子 字0 2008-01-22 03:45:21
😠拜托,大道理人人会讲,你这样空口白话的胡说,看了让人难受。 jlanu 字0 2003-10-07 01:17:49
Re:【文摘】诸葛亮的政治表演术 啊啊啊啊 字104 2003-10-03 00:19:37
谢萨兄,只为有相近的观点(内空) 程咬金 字0 2003-10-03 11:03:02
🤔说话抬杠,出口伤人看来是你啊啊啊啊一贯的风格了。 解放军 字0 2003-10-03 08:13:14
老兄啊 萨苏 字316 2003-10-03 01:17:39