
主题:【整理】金秋盛会 -- 神仙驴

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九月份的《Foreign Affairs》原话如下,重点已经黑体了,自己读吧

Chinese President Xi Jinping has made it abundantly clear that “reunifying” Taiwan with mainland China is a legacy issue for him, something he intends to accomplish on his watch through political and economic means or, if necessary, through military force. Right now, he is preoccupied with the COVID-19 crisis, the slowing growth of the Chinese economy, and the upcoming 20th Party Congress, where he hopes to secure a third term as chair of the Chinese Communist Party.

But once these immediate concerns are addressed, it is possible that sometime in the next five years Xi will consider taking Taiwan by force, either because nonmilitary efforts at reunification have fallen short or because he believes his chances of success will diminish if he waits and U.S. military capabilities grow.

a legacy issue for him / accomplish on his watch ----美国人看得明明白白,讲得清清楚楚。


另一作者是美国国防创新部原主任。他的另一个身份是高通前CEO,Symantec前CEO。他是五角大楼关于中国参与美国风投研究的主要负责人之一,该研究催化了美国《外国投资风险审查现代化法案》(FIRRMA),已于2018年立法 ---- 从那时起到现在,催化了对中国一系列正在进行的日益严厉的打压、封锁与军事对抗措施,从贸易战到芯片战,从网络空间到台海实战。



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