
主题:【原创】windows 10,免费升级,要还是不要 -- 铁手

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【原创】windows 10,免费升级,要还是不要

最近在IT界最热门的话题可能是微软的新发布的windows10了吧。我凑热闹,前几天刚刚“免费”把原来的 win 7 升级到了 windows 10,稍微就自己使用感受和网上看到的一些话题做个简要记录,供已经预定“免费”从 win7、win8升级到windows 10,但是还没有具体实现,或者是希望赶快升级的河友,做个参考。

说实话,这次微软这么大方,本来我就是感觉用用 win7 已经可以基本满足需要的,觉得有必要也升级一次。大部分情况下,我使用 ubuntu linux 的桌面版做大部分日常需要的事情,包括弄西西河的程序,少数情况下,使用 windows比较方便,比如以前的一些游戏, 等等。


安装很顺利,但是感觉上有些猫腻的地方,网上也友很多地方有表示不满。主要的不满,是集中在微软此次windows 10的隐私条款,以及变相的霸道行为,特别是浏览器的缺省设定上。



第一个页面,大标题是“Get going fast”。这个大标题下面有一些文字内容,要仔细阅读了。我比较关注的一个部分是说“send data to microsoft”,在这些内容的右下角,出于我们的习惯,是大大的两个按钮,一个写着 Back,一个写着 Use express。两个按钮的右边是 settings字样,千万不要习惯性的,或者是不假思索的就按了大大的 Use express 按钮。你如果比较关心微软搜集你什么个人信息,你应该点一个链接,就在大标题下面的文字下面的两行小小的字里面的一个。是的,很小很小的字,你不移鼠标上去可能根本就不会意识到可以点点。那两行小小字,一行是 learn more,一行是 customize settings,你要点的是这个。


... by sending contacts and calendar detail, along with other associated input data to Microsoft...

... Windows browser. Your browsing data will be send to Microsoft...

...Automatically connect to suggested open hotspots and shared networks ...

我对之后所有的缺省为 on 的设定全部改成了 off。实在是觉得好像要脱光了在微软前面,而且觉得实在是不安全。

接下去的一个页面,标题是 New apps for new windows。和前面类似,缺省的在右下角,大大的按钮,不可能被忽略。能被忽略的,和前面一样,在正文下面的小字里"let me choose my default app"。这里面对我来说比较重要的是浏览器的选择。个人99%的情况下使用 fire fox。一来是对微软当年利用操作系统的优势挤垮netescape navigator后的相当长一段时间里internet explorer几乎完全停滞发展的有所微词,二来是对google当年掺和firefox的开发,然后脱离出一个chrome的影响firefox竞争力的行为有所看法。firefox这样非盈利组织的浏览器的存在,最终推动了浏览器的发展,而没有被微软拖死。我没有资金捐助来支持,只能从作为一个用户来做道义上的支持。

从网上其他地方的看法,对微软这次的windows 10的用户数据的搜集,有很多的不满。我估计大部分的用户,使用条款,用户隐私条款等等都不会看,缺省就接受了微软的设置。我也没看那些条款什么的,以为不至于那么恶劣。看来还不能简单相信。以下摘自隐私条款的部分。我看着有点怕:

The data we collect depends on the services and features you use, and includes the following.

Name and contact data. We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data.

Credentials. We collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information used for authentication and account access.

Demographic data. We collect data about you such as your age, gender, country and preferred language.

Interests and favorites. We collect data about your interests and favorites, such as the teams you follow in a sports app, the stocks you track in a finance app, or the favorite cities you add to a weather app. In addition to those you explicitly provide, your interests and favorites may also be inferred or derived from other data we collect.

... ...

... ...

Contacts and relationships. We collect data about your contacts and relationships if you use a Microsoft service to manage contacts, or to communicate or interact with other people or organizations.

... ...

Content. We collect content of your files and communications when necessary to provide you with the services you use. This includes: the content of your documents, photos, music or video you upload to a Microsoft service such as OneDrive. It also includes the content of your communications sent or received using Microsoft services, such as the:

subject line and body of an email,

text or other content of an instant message,

audio and video recording of a video message, and

audio recording and transcript of a voice message you receive or a text message you dictate.

... ...

You have choices about the data we collect. When you are asked to provide personal data, you may decline. But if you choose not to provide data that is necessary to provide a service, you may not be able to use some features or services.

Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to:

comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies;

protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone;

operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or

protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services - however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer's private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement

关键词(Tags): #windows 10通宝推:mezhan,浣花岛主,打铁的,故乡在喀什,五峰,sywyang,非鱼,


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