主题:【原创】有一种骗局叫做方舟子--揭穿方舟子的伪装 -- 思想的行者
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复 都说了
This current project aims to expand upon our pilot experience to conduct a larger and more rigorous study to establish the safety and effectiveness of the proposed somatic-autonomic reflex pathway procedure in gaining bladder and bowel control in patients with spina bifida. We will also collaborate with and train investigators at another site(s) to determine the training needed to achieve similar safety and effectiveness outcomes, and evaluate possible methods to stimulate the new reflex to improve bladder emptying. Achieving the aims outlined in this multicenter proposal will help firmly establish the procedure as safe and effective, and revolutionize the treatment of bladder and bowel dysfunction in patients with spina bifida in the US.
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🙂既然这么好 1 懒厨 字174 2014-02-25 19:55:15
🙂我再次查看了一下你链接中的博文,发现时间点很古怪 思想的行者 字351 2014-02-26 03:36:07
🙂都说了 懒厨 字77 2014-02-26 04:07:45
😂教主,你想欺负我不懂英文吗? 2 懒厨 字689 2014-02-26 19:56:40
🙂本人英语比你差一些,我还要查词典 思想的行者 字491 2014-02-26 20:38:17
🙂这逻辑不复杂嘛 懒厨 字283 2014-02-27 02:00:41
🙂官网说的是our priliminary data非常好 思想的行者 字782 2014-02-27 04:12:46