主题:【原创】有一种骗局叫做方舟子--揭穿方舟子的伪装 -- 思想的行者
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The National Institutes of Health sponsored a trial for 40 spinal-cord-injured patients at New York University in 2003. An 80 percent response rate was reported. Between 2000 and 2003, 40 patients with spina bifida were treated and an 85 percent effectiveness rate was observed.
2003年,联邦健康研究所资助了一项在纽约大学进行的对40个病人的实验,报告了百分之八十的respond rate。在2000年到2003年,40个病人被医治,并且有85%的有效率。The Xiao procedure has been performed in the United States by a group from William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Mich., led by urologist Ken Peters. Dr. Peters traveled to China to learn the procedure and invited Dr. Xiao to be present at the initial surgeries in Michigan. Financing was achieved through philanthropic benefactors, and follow-up has been comprehensive and essentially uniform. Dr. Peters also presented at the Orlando postgraduate course. A total of nine patients were operated upon and their outcomes were reviewed with up to a three-year follow-up. Dr. Peters reported that two patients are no longer requiring catheterization and that seven of nine patients have some measureable return of reflex. Bowel function improved more quickly and more extensively than bladder function. Eight-to-nine patients had bilateral leg weakness initially, yet their weakness improved back to baseline such that only one patient has residual weakness. One patient has foot drop.
肖氏手术在昧国由PETERS博士领导的一个小组进行了实验,Peters博士曾经到中国跟肖传国学习肖氏手术,在九人实验中,Peters报告有两个病人已经完全不需要catheterization ,九人中有七个人有了可以被观测到的好转.......
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🙂那会网上热议了好一阵,论文数目上是非很清楚。 1 废话多多 字88 2014-02-24 01:58:51
🙂没有去进行调查的人会认为肖的论文数只有0 思想的行者 字7884 2014-02-24 05:26:56
🙂你怎么知道别人没查?文章都是命根子,谁有多少水都在那Re 4 废话多多 字231 2014-02-24 06:56:57
🙂4篇 IF小于4的文章 小科 字0 2014-02-24 00:35:08
🙂肖传国的确两边通吃 2 czm1968 字1523 2014-02-22 00:43:02
🙂关于肖传国在纽约大学任兼职还是全职 思想的行者 字133 2014-02-23 00:15:24
🙂副教授是不能兼职的。 czm1968 字0 2014-02-23 04:07:20