
主题:【原创】量子化学历史拾零-前言 -- 西行的风

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trial & error材料研究模式:电子的"理性"


"本世纪初, 人们创立了量子力学理论, 用于研究微观粒子的运动规律。1927 年海特勒和伦

敦应用量子力学原理研究了两个氢原子组成氢分子的化学键本质, 从而开创了量子化学的先河。"

"Pople 教授1970 年发表了他的Gaussian 70 程序。随后, 这一程序的版本不断升级, 最高版

本是Gaussian 98。现在, 全世界有数以千计的化学家在使用他的程序研究化学问题, 并且取


求解分子体系薛定谔方程的HartreeFock 方法把每个电子看成是独立地运动在各自的分

子轨道上, 而分子中其余电子的作用则采用一种所谓平均势场的近似来处理。实际上, 在分子



种适合的近似。然而, 短程相关牵涉到电子瞬时的局域环境。上述对电子之间相互作用的简


2. 电子的"感性"



compared to 库仑相互作用/"理性线性项", 电子之间的交换相互作用 and its

短程相关牵涉到电子瞬时的局域环境, much of "感性项高阶项短程力", as in super conductor materials, uniform B-fields (磁场)becomes "exponential", from "macroscopic" into "microscopic", and if we go further into other "high order" 材料, those "感性项高阶项短程力" will be more and more important, 第一性原理.

without theoretical break through, trial & error材料研究模式 applies to those "high order" 材料;

3. as such, individual 人 brain is full of information collecting/processing of 人瞬时的局域环境

particularly in 社会引力场

in 相对论, 引力 can be approximated as 局部惯性系加速;

as such, in Chinese society, organized power such as that of china political top=无穷大 relative to those normal individual 人;

so, in a way, for china political top, the challenging issue of their keeping the absolute power over Chinese society, is not so much from common individuals or 老百姓(their brains are most likely "confused", excuse me), it is becoming more and more of issues of china political top's 自己的队伍, and other issues whatever it may be, with Chinese society being one of the most complex social systems;

in west, in "future", we may have a lot of individual human beings experiencing or programmed by those 量子力学/量子化学 made 不小心錯過的刻骨銘心爱恨情仇, just pay some money, you will have it.

that will be cutting into the market share of those 娛樂寡頭壟斷 business idols.

and once we are there, those political 寡頭壟斷 business idols will face the same challenge.

so, overall, we humanity may have a 理性曲线, right continuous.


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