主题:转基因玉米导致养猪场猪绝育 -- 唵啊吽
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According to a recent report in the U.K. Independent, many Indian farmers have lost their farms and land over the past several decades. One of the primary causes is failed investments by farmers that banked heavily on the success of newly-introduced GM crops. Multinational biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Syngenta promised farmers that GM crops would bring incredible yields at lower costs, and save the country from poverty. But in reality, many of the crops ended up failing, leaving millions of Indian farmers with absolutely nothing.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030913_Monsanto_suicides.html#ixzz1noKKeRep
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🙂不知道你能不能找出有哪种食品是要几代人才吃出问题的? 1 njyd 字32 2013-09-26 11:34:09
🙂袁隆平的杂交水稻吃了几代人才投入市场的么? 工大流浪者 字0 2013-09-24 20:19:50
🙂美国吃了很多年了, 没有出过问题 3 homer 字645 2013-09-24 00:35:09
🙂里昂法院就法国一农民死亡判孟山都有罪 1 唵啊吽 字1170 2012-02-21 16:33:06
🙂美国养猪场还自己繁殖么? 大秦猛士 字24 2012-01-29 20:30:57
🙂不同规模的猪场有不同的经营模式吧 唵啊吽 字0 2012-01-29 21:06:14
🙂请问现在市场卖的甜玉米和糯玉米是转基因??? yaojiajun 字0 2012-01-26 07:03:34