主题:【整理】【讨论】回顾九兵团长津湖之役兼与诸友商榷(1) -- 虎王2006
- 共: 💬 16 🌺 363
而陆战队的公关与文宣是非常之棒的。当然另一方面是他们当年确实比较硬气,打起仗来比同样条件下的陆军部队顽强得多。这样的结果,是陆战队无数次顶住了被海军吞掉的命运,成为全球军队里陆战队独立成为一个军种的唯一例子。看征兵广告,陆战队的那个好似电玩游戏里的古老骑士,军礼服纤尘不染,目光坚定帅气,30秒广告的结束镜头,是擘出闪亮军刀,秀在面前,画外音“JOIN THE MARINE!"--可以令后生小子们心跳眼热。
有关陆战队长津湖过5关斩6将的传奇故事里,Major Gen. Smith(陆一师师长)跟Major Gen. Almond的不对付,是颇为著名的。在通俗演义里史密斯是红脸武生,好汉,阿尔蒙德是白鼻子丑角。我找了找,史密斯跟阿尔蒙德分别有个人访谈。把两人自己的话放在一起看,很有意思。我先贴上来,后面再找时间翻译,评注一下:
What we were working on first were these Army casualties from this over-run Task Force Faith, you see.
Q: They were in bad shape?
Smith: I'm afraid that some got out that weren't in too bad shape. What these jokers would do, some of them might have frostbitten fingers, something like that. They would go down to the strip and get a blanket and a stretcher and the groan a bit; the corpsmen would come along and put them on a plane. The doctor came to me and he was fit to be tied because he knew how many seriously wounded he had that should be evacuated, and he knew how many had gone out by air, and it just didn't make sense. Somebody was getting out of there who wasn't seriously hurt. It was our fault probably, because the Air Force had sent up what they called an Evacuation Officer, and the doctor assumed that the Evacuation Officer would see that the proper people got aboard the planes, but that was not his function at all; he was just thinking in terms of planes, not on what was flown on the planes. After that I couldn't have gotten aboard a plane without a ticket. Nobody after that got on any plane without a ticket that showed that he was due to get out.
Q: Were any of the Marines trying to pull that stuff?
Smith: I don't think so, because they were certified by the doctors and they had spirit. I am sure no Marines. I had quite a time with those Army people - they had no spirit. We tried to help them out as best we could. We had to fly in weapons to re- arm them. They'd thrown away all their weapons. I put LtCol Anderson (of the Army) in command of them. They didn't want to put up tents - they felt it was up to us to take care of them, feed them, and put up tents for them.
We disabused them of that idea. We eventually salvaged 385 of them. As near as I can make out, that Task Force (Faith) had 2,800 men when they went up there. There were a few Army troops that were left in Hagaru-ri but as near as I can make out, 2,800 were in Task Force Faith or in Task Force McLean, the first colonel, and we evacuated 900 of them. We salvaged 385, so there must have been over 1,200 killed, captured, or what have you. The 385 we joined to what Army troops we had in Hagaru-ri and made a provisional battalion. They marched out with us. I attached them to Litzenberg, and they were pitiful. Litzenberg gave them the job of guarding the left flank, to march along the column; and when the Chinese opened up, they simply went through the column to the other side and took off. Well, Anderson was a pretty good fellow; he tried to get them under control and get them back. Litzenberg had to take on of the regular battalions to send up there to take over. Anderson brought charges later against some of the officers. According to the word I got later he was put in a psychiatric hospital in Tokyo.
Q: Anderson was?
Smith: Yes, and they never did anything about his charges. That's the story I got. I forget who told it to me - maybe Litzenberg. But they came on out with us. I am afraid that some of those 900 Army troops which were evacuated shouldn't have gone out, because over in Tokyo GHQ looked over some of those cases that were coming into the hospitals with only minor frostbite. And GHQ sent over a directive, which Adm. Joy never sent to me - sent it to Adm. Joy for the Marine Corps and to the Army for the Army troops - stating that there was a lack of leadership, because there shouldn't have been this frostbite if there had been good leadership. That made me mad as a hatter. Of course, Adm. Joy swept it under the rug. He didn't's send the thing on, but I heard about it and I wrote Gen. Cates. i said, this just didn't make sense at all. "What are you going to do? Here I have just given a silver star to a sergeant who pulled off his mittens in order to heave a grenade and he got frostbitten fingers. Are you going to court-martial that man for not taking proper precautions against frostbite? Are you going to court martial his battalion commander, his regimental commander, his division commander?" Silverthorne wrote me a letter and said, "Don't worry about it." By that time my senior medical officer had been detached and came back to Washington, and he had gone around talking to a few people and saying, "We know the score." The Army was much upset about it, he said, but as far as the Marine Corps was concerned they took things in their stride.
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