主题:【讨论】日本核灾难最新更新 -- 井底望天
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The chamber sits closer to the ocean than a trench that had previously been identified as a possible source of water flowing into the ocean. Tepco said the cracked chamber, which is about 6 feet deep, contains roughly eight inches of highly contaminated water.
Workers set about trying to seal the crack Saturday and Sunday. They started with concrete, and when that failed they poured 132 pounds of sawdust, 18 pounds of polymer and three bags of shredded newspaper into the pit.
六尺半深度坑 (一人多一点)
八寸深的水 (二十来厘米)
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🙂真要是急性放射性中毒还是有救的, 1 蚂蚁不爱搬家 字105 2011-04-04 05:08:31
🙂既然都宁愿去死了,能不能死之前进到反应堆里看一眼啊? 10 我心安处是故乡 字56 2011-04-04 04:25:35
🙂这种极端自由民主思想熏陶下成长的食草男 潇洒 字30 2011-04-04 05:16:03
🙂真不行了乾脆就炸掉 1 Slay0r 字112 2011-04-04 01:48:17
🙂你大概是以为炸过这些放射性物質就灰飞烟灭了。 1 njyd 字142 2011-04-04 03:04:34
🙂俺的意思是長痛不如短痛 1 Slay0r 字64 2011-04-04 05:26:12
🙂蘑菇雲裏打點乾冰是降不下来雨的。 1 njyd 字218 2011-04-04 05:55:06