主题:求教下国内、日本和美国的研发环境有啥差异 -- 厚德载物
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creativity. Especially after having a few trillions of dollars in foreign currency reserve, there is a mindset that "west is just so so, we don't have to change anything, we can still be as good or even better than them", well, bravo to you, but before you can have google, IBM or even MS, or even have your own stable supply of engines for your own fighters, I think you should rein in your confidence a little bit.
There is a really ugly trend of historical revisionism popular in China right now, as if we'd be really technologically advanced if we could simply stick to Mao's policy, what the fu*k? Don't forge the reason you could be so confident is Den Xiaoping went 180% against Mao's policy. Japan only went delusional after Japan became fully developed, for a country still counts is per capital GDP behind 100 other countries, it's more than a little pre-mature to champion such meaningless slogans like "Beijing Consensus" or "G-2". Don't tell me it's westerners that are trying to blindly compliment China, every time there is some story even remotely related to promoting China, you can bet that Chinese tabloid like global times would treat it like it's the consensus of 300 Americans.
Seriously, in term of tendency to blow-hard behavior, China really ain't in any position to sneer at either India or South Korea.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂对,对,对!猪头们都想卡油水。 唐吉氏 字0 2010-02-22 15:15:43
🙂rant, not rational, 11 豆豆豆豆豆豆豆 字1049 2010-01-01 21:21:58
🙂中国科技想进步得靠人 coo 字241 2010-02-23 14:10:45
🙂No respect for individual
🙂我靠,总算看见一明白人 大明白 字0 2010-02-21 04:34:47
🙂个人感觉,其实没啥。。。。 冷炎3 字18 2009-12-29 12:52:16
🙂真是令人担忧 温暖的夜 字288 2009-11-18 18:32:00
🙂还是基础不行 1 果酱 字95 2010-02-21 04:57:21