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Table 2. Chinese herbs in different languages

Pingying name Latin name English name

Huangqin Radix Scutellariae Baical Skullcap root

Lianqiao Fructus Forsythiae Weeping Forsythia capsule

Huzhang Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati Giant Knotweed rhizome

Shanzhima Radix Helicteris Narrowleaf Screwtree root

Jinyinhua Flos Lonicerae Honeysuckle flower

Qinhao Herba Artemisiae SweetWormwood herb

Chaihu Radix Bupleuri Chinese Thorowax root /Red Thorowax root

Xixin Herba Asari Manchurian Wildginger

Gegen Radix Puerariae Kudzuvine root

Huanglian Rhizoma Coptidis Colden thread

Zhigancao Radix Glycyrrhizae Liquorice root

Hangjuhua Flos Chrysanthemi Chrysanthemun flower

Kuxinren Semen Armeniacae Amarum Apricot kernel

Shanzha Fructus Crataegi Hawthorn fruit

Chenpi Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Dried Tangerine peel

Niuhuang Calculus Bovis Bezoar

Shuiniujiao Cornu Bubali Buffalo horn

Zhenzhumu Concha Margaritifera Usta Nacre

Zhizi Fructus Gardeniae Cape Jasmine fruit

Banlangen Radix Isatidis Isatis root

Shigao Gypsum Fibrosum Gypsum

Sangye Folium Mori Mulberry leaf

Yejuhua Flos Chrysanthemi Indici Wild Chrysanthemum

Yuxingcao Herba Houttuyniae Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb

Boheyou Herba Menthae oil Peppermint oil

Sisuye Folium Perillae Perilla leaf

Qianghuo Rhizoma Notopterygii Incised Notopterygium rhizome/Forbes Notopterygium rhizome

Jinjie Herba Schizonepetae Fineleaf Schizonepeta herb

Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold (Review) 7

Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

Table 2. Chinese herbs in different languages (Continued)

Guanghexiang Herba Pogostemonis Cablin Potchouli herb

Fangfeng Radix Saposhnikoviae Divaricate Saposhnikovia root

Qianhu Radix Peucedani Whiteflower Hogfennel root/Common Hongfennel root

Fuping Herba Spirodelae Common Ducksmeat herb

Fulinpi Poria skin Indian Buead skin

Jinlianhua Flos Trollii Chinese Globeflower flower

Daqingye Folium Isatidis Indigowoad leaf

Shenshigao Gypsum Fibrosum Gypsum

Zhimu Rhizoma Anemarrhenae Common Anemarrhena rhizome

Shendi Radix Rehmanniae Rehmannia root

Xuanshen Radix Scrophulariae Figwort root

Kuxingren Semen Armeniacae Amarum Bitter Apricot Seed

Yujin Radix Curcumae Turmeric root-tuber

Mahuang Herba Ephedrae Ephedra herb

Shandougen Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis Vietnamese Sophora root

Bohe Herba Menthae Peppermint

Bingpian Borneolum Borneol

Gancao Radix Glycyrrhizae Liquoric root

Shichangpu Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii Grassleaf Sweelflag rhizome

Chuanxinlian Herba Andrographis Common Andrographis herb

We performed an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis on three trials

(Chang 2005; Chang 2007; Wang 2008a). We performed perprotocol

analyses on the other studies. We reported the number

lost to follow up in the notes column of the ’Characteristics of

included studies’ table.

Assessment of risk of bias in included studies

We assessed the risk of bias of each trial in terms of generation

of allocation sequence, allocation concealment, blinding, uncompleted

data and selective reporting; and classified themas ’lowrisk’,

’moderate risk’, or ’high risk’ according to the guidelines of the

Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions 5.0.0 (

Higgins 2008) and as described in Wu 2007a. There was no disagreement

in this process.

Sequence generation

An adequate approach for generating allocation sequence with a

low risk of selection bias should be by using a random numbers table

or computer software, or other simple randomisationmethods,

for example, coin tossing or card shuffling. We considered a trial

which only mentions ’random’ but does not include a description

of the approach used as a moderate risk of selection bias.

Allocation sequence concealment

Low risk of selection bias: adequate measures to conceal allocation

sequence is defined as the person who generates an allocation

sequence not recruiting the participants, for example, by central

randomisation. Examples of concealing allocation sequences are

using sealed opaque envelopes or storing allocation sequences in

a locked computer.

Moderate risk of selection bias: where concealment of the allocation

sequence is mentioned but the approach used is not reported.

Chinese medicinal herbs for the common cold (Review) 8

Copyright 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd.

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