主题:【文摘】流星划过夜空之 郭嵩焘 -- 老广
- 共: 💬 19 🌺 22
We are discussing on this so call 讲理 with Western People with its social root and background.
check your logic and check the book I informed you.
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🙂这就过于简单化了 ye3 字202 2009-04-19 16:22:09
🙂In this content: 装孙子is 讲理. dahuahua 字487 2009-04-19 17:59:21
🙂这就比较莫名其妙了 ye3 字42 2009-04-19 18:26:28
🙂No logic for红色高棉杀人也可以归罪到马克思
🙂您自己没理解, leqian 字170 2009-04-20 18:06:08
🙂Please note 郭's 唯有“讲理”一途.. dahuahua 字221 2009-04-20 20:07:50
🙂你一上来就语出惊人 1 leqian 字322 2009-04-20 20:24:52
🙂You change the topic dahuahua 字427 2009-04-20 20:45:51