
主题:【原创】情人节故事-出国前的短促突击战(1) -- coo

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八点左右,COO和他的新徒弟,外号叫费西的大个子小弟弟进来了。打过招呼后,COO让费西坐下,开始给他讲程序:"你要做的,其实不麻烦,就是要清楚电子轨道怎么计算的。。。"费西头上戴一顶棒球帽,一边喝着一瓶COKE,一边听着讲,两个大眼珠子四下乱转,时不时地飘向坐在他左边的林萍。 COO从兜里面掏出一合烟,拿出一直点上,说:"你小子不是有女朋友么?怎么还眼睛四下乱看?"费西伸手拿过烟合,也给自己点上一只说:"COO,你的帮我找个漂亮的女朋友。你认识的飘亮女孩多。"


门又开了,混世魔王很威风地领着几个娘子军进来了。整个实验室变的热闹非凡。魔王一脸堆着笑地跑领着娘子军走到正在给费西做恋爱中的思想品德教育的COO跟前,伸手摸了桌上的那合烟,给自己点上一只,说:"小姑娘们想请你给她门改一改英文的热族煤,并带了些吃的来犒劳你。"说着话,几个小妹妹搬出几个削好了的APPLE PINE。

于是,COO让魔王招呼大家吃水果,自己领着几个小妹妹进去改英文了。我们几个就停下来吃起水果来。费西边吃,边瞪着眼睛直往里面的几个小妹妹瞅。林萍看见任不住地乐。老民因为和费西不对劲,就没说什么. 魔王吃着水果,抽着香烟,非常开心。


Top of the world


Such a feelings coming over me

There is wonder in most everything I see

Not a cloud in the sky

Got the sun in my eyes

And I wont be surprised if its a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

And the reason is clear

Its because you are here

Youre the nearest thing to heaven that Ive seen

Im on the top of the world looking down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that Ive found ever since youve been around

Your loves put me at the top of the world

Something in the wind has learned my name

And its telling me that things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze

Theres a pleasing sense of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through I hope that I will find

That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me

All I need will be mine if you are here

Im on the top of the world looking down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that Ive found ever since youve been around

Your loves put me at the top of the world


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