主题:【原创】相亲奇遇记(16)我们都不是普通人(上) -- 忘情
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复 那意思就是
basically the Nanchangese word Qiobo is very close to English word malicious, while the pronouciation is close to the word trouble. Trouble does not have that bad meaning as Qiobo. In mandrian, Qiobo is close to character sun
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🙂您真是罗家集的? 忘情 字50 2008-12-01 01:49:50
🙂晕倒,兄弟怎么会骗忘情兄,我是罗家乡中学初中毕业的, 柴门夜归 字163 2008-12-01 14:58:22
🙂原来如此,老乡老乡,握个手 忘情 字0 2008-12-02 01:59:46
🙂不好意思,我的英文基本上都还给老师了 忘情 字22 2008-11-19 22:26:47
🙂英文基本上都还给老师了 coo 字47 2008-11-19 22:30:37
🙂能不能在网上下载一个中文输入法? 忘情 字0 2008-11-20 01:44:11
🙂中文输入法 coo 字41 2008-11-20 07:19:17