主题:买车杀价流水仗 -- 煮酒正熟
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果不其然,Phil 见信后沉不住气了,特别是对置他于道义低位比较恼火,下面是他的回复:
Lao Jiu:
After reading your last email I pulled Chelsey into my office to inquire about her thoroughness with your quotes. She had produced multiple pages of email correspondence in regards to your quote.
Pages of vehicle information sent multiple times, breakdown of the VPP program, including the original mention of the program at all, cost breakdowns, breakdowns of all fees and taxes, and the overview of how the VPP process works.
VPP was designed to offer employees of Nissan's business affiliates a no hassle, no haggle way to purchase vehicles below cost.
VPP does not allow the dealer to mark up or add any unauthorized fees to the purchase and informs you of all current programs, dealer, or consumer.
We have delivered well over 200 VPP vehicles YTD including the President of Nissan of North Americas brother.
If there is any specific area in which you need more information please do not hesitate to contact me.
这一大段,除了吹他们那个VPP怎么好 (甚至尼桑北美总裁的兄弟都是按这个价买的车),就是反复强调他们如何给我们提供了全面的相关信息,口气想党地自信,不容质疑;而且看起来情绪也比较激越。说实话俺当时看了以后不禁抚掌大乐,小样儿八你,到底入俺毂中矣!
Prior to and ON our signing the contract on Monday 8/25, we NEVER received a full list of standard features and opted features. We believe this list of features is an integral part to the contract. But now it is missing. It's like you signed a contract just for a dollar amount, but you had no idea what exactly were included in this dollar amount. We only received a list of the features on 8/26, and found three out of the four features are non-typically equipped features (floor mats, an emergency aid package, and aluminum kick).
Let's be fair - I don't think the sales rep should be blamed for not going through all the features on the car. It’s just not realistic. But a full list of features SHOULD be provided prior to or at least on the signing of the purchase contract, REGARDLESS whether the sales rep has already gone through the features with customer in test drive.
On signing the contract, dealership representatives didn't provide us a full list of features, which we consider the core part of the deal, but did try to sell us an anti-theft and a protection program, which are peripherals to the deal. Now if you were in our position, after realizing all these, what would be your feelings and reaction?
Then a couple days later, a friend of ours received a non-VPP price from another Nissan dealer for 2008 Altima 2.5S CVT. We compared your pre-tax pre-fees pre-rebate VPP price against their pre-tax pre-fees pre-rebate (also $1250) non-VPP price, and we found their price is several hundred dollars lower than yours. We then started to ask ourselves: is this VPP price really a more favorable price than non-VPP? Why are we being punished, in stead of rewarded, by working with XXX (my wife's company)? Why can't we just ask for a non-VPP price and start to work the deal all over again?
Phil, if you were in our position, after going through and thinking about all these, what would be your feelings and reaction??
There are couple of other factors: we shopped around and collected information on financing cost and trade-in appraisal (we have a 99 Corolla) and assumed that your financing cost and appraisal would be comparable to others. But then on signing the contract we found out that your financing cost is way higher than the others (4.9% Vs 1.9%), and your appraisal is substantially lower than others ($1000 Vs $2200). As such we were unable to trade our car to you, and this increased the plate fee by $70. To be fair, these are NOT your responsibilities, but combined with the factors mentioned in above, these ‘SURPRISES’ did build into our emotions...
Sorry for writing this lengthy message, but we do want you to fully understand our position and options. Please allow us to be very precise: we prefer to continuing to work with you to finalize the deal, but we want a better price.
Please reply at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂越是买大家伙,才越要砍价呢 meow 字80 2008-09-30 20:14:41
🙂not only $200, but 煮酒正熟 字41 2008-09-28 19:33:08
🙂支持砍价,虽说楼主不缺这个钱,砍下来捐也好 1 cococal 字0 2008-09-28 20:27:16
🙂买车杀价流水仗 (续)
🙂vpp 2 jack 字2 2008-09-30 22:18:56
🙂在口头上他们是一口咬死VPP就是最低价 1 煮酒正熟 字340 2008-10-01 17:29:55
🙂hehe, flower 1 jack 字0 2008-10-01 17:43:04
😄看到这一段,想象着老酒写这一段email时,肯定是 1 鹦鹉螺 字170 2008-09-29 18:37:07