
主题:【文摘】熊蕾老大姐的系列文章:华叶结盟 -- frnkl

  • 共: 💬 16 🌺 18 🌵 16

flower, even I believe there are a lot of bugs in the stories.

It looks like Gang of four are just four of them. I would more believe simply sending them to jail could trigger a civil war in China. There were eight commanders of PLA, who ever sang "Three deciplines and eight notices" together with Chairman Mao around 1975. There is no reason that all of them would belong to the same group. Moreover at that time, they were just exchanged by Chairman Mao. How did Premier Hua contact them and make deal with all of them? It is really helpful if it could provide more information about how those PLA commanders were settled down and those guys in cabinet reacted at that time, like Chen Xilian, Wu De, Ji Dengkui. Are they were all in favour of Hua, instead of Gang of four? General Chen was the one supposed to be in charge of army arranged by Mao. Also Xiao Mao was arrested in the same time with Gang of four.

However, comrade 熊向晖 could be the most impressive lobbist in the history of new China.


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