主题:陈其钢谈歌唱祖国的内幕视频 -- atene
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悉尼开幕式音乐,特别是上长达7分钟的"Tin Symphony",受到极大的赞扬,当时现场“演奏”气势澎湃的开幕式音乐的悉尼交响乐团实际上不过是照着事先录好的录音带集体现场摆样子;而该录音演奏者并非悉尼交响乐团而是墨尔本交响乐团(Melbourne Symphony Orchestra), 录音带是在开幕式数月前由墨尔本交响乐团的表演、录制好的。
And it gets better - it was, in fact, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra whose brilliant playing was heard by millions around the world at the Sydney Olympic opening ceremony.
The MSO's superior sounds (pre-recorded just for the ceremony) were played as the orchestra went through the motions - the showbiz short cut of using "backing tapes", usually done to carry ageing or incompetent performers. Remember Milli Vanilli?
Revealed: Sydney Olympics faked it too
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🙂陈其钢谈歌唱祖国的内幕视频 4 atene 字258 2008-08-12 14:36:18
🙂帕瓦罗蒂冬奥会开幕式上假唱, NBC直播室出来的人工焰火 1 atene 字1058 2008-08-13 06:54:31
🙂haha, 这个帖子一出, 没人再JJWW了吧 frnkl 字17 2008-08-25 09:09:48
🙂太天真了,jjyy是假,中国是真。 simplyred 字28 2008-08-26 06:21:15
🙂同学,你这想法太过天真了 atene 字34 2008-08-25 10:22:59
🙂为啥国内的精英们就这么sb呢?? simplyred 字0 2008-08-25 08:50:27
🙂因为他们只会拾西人牙慧 1 atene 字181 2008-08-25 09:03:58