
主题:回一刀兄,兼及范美忠:范美忠怎么可能和自由主义关系不大? -- 细脖大头鬼

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【文摘】some materials for reference


林达书中所描述的“M.O.D.Manual”的内容应该是没问题。但是他没有提事情的另一面。(1)这书是邮购(mail order)发行(在中国还能买到制冰毒的邮购出版物呢);(2)现在不卖了,至少不公开卖了。

After the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the media flocked to groups like MOM. This increased exposure led to scrutiny of the publications MOM sold, forcing some titles to be pulled from distribution. MOM used to sell a guerilla warfare training manual entitled the M.O.D. Manual. Among other things, it advocated undertaking domestic terrorism, raiding armories for weapons, and kidnaping sports figures and other public figures. MOM eventually quit selling the M.O.D. Manual, and MHRN noticed that other questionable material was no longer advertised for sale.


David Trochmann, 49, a co-founder of the Militia of Montana, confirmed in an interview on Wednesday that his group was distributing the manual. His group's name and address is on the front page.

But, he said, the paramilitary group was not the manual's author. Furthermore, he said he did not know who the author was or what "M.O.D." stood for. He also said he had not read the documents and did not know about their contents.

"If this stuff is in here and we haven't checked it out completely, then it's coming out of the catalogue," Mr. Trochmann said. "This manual has not been checked out thoroughly, and it should have been checked out. I don't agree with any of that stuff. We didn't realize this kind of stuff was in there. This one slipped by."

Mr. Trochmann also said he did not know how many manuals had been distributed, even though the $75 price made them among the most expensive items in the Militia of Montana's extensive catalogue.


我们知道,仅仅言论本身不会入罪,关键是行为。而Militia of Montana“did not engage in paramilitary training and was able to avoid the wave of arrests -- stemming largely from violent, weapons-related crimes -- that swept the movement later in the decade(1990s).”(见外链出处

另外,MOM 属于美国的Militia movement,

The Militia movement is a right wing social and political movement of paramilitary groups, with an anti-big government philosophy, in the United States.
The Militia movement is a paramilitary outgrowth of the independent survivalist movement, tax-protester movement and other movements in the subculture of what is collectively called the "Christian Patriot movement" in the United States. The formation of the militias was influenced by the historical precedent of existing paramilitary movements such as the Posse Comitatus, the Aryan Nations, and groups associated with Christian Identity.


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