主题:【狗尾续貂原创】MaxPain大家谈 -- 量子
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Bought some CFC put 17.5 Sep 07 one week ago. I knew the OE day is coming and it is extremely risky, but believe the jump of CFC is too much. Also, they were dirty cheap. So spend a small amount of money betting, really gambling on its plunge. Now my dirty cheap option becomes real dirt.Losing 95%. So the lesson I learned is don't let my emotion (including the willingness to gamble) control my rational thinking, and don't play real risky stuff, people call it risky for a reason.
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🙂今天做的如何? xlin 字68 2007-09-21 14:33:40
🙂方向完全猜错 量子 字163 2007-09-21 20:30:19
🙂今天老兄如愿了 xlin 字76 2007-09-24 14:12:55
🙂comfort, I did similar thing
🙂Thanks, pal 量子 字537 2007-09-22 08:52:50
🙂请问一下, 用的是IB吗? SCOTTRADE不让卖PUT. 阿国 字0 2007-09-20 22:29:56
🙂I'm sure they can do that 量子 字52 2007-09-20 22:41:41
🙂刚到他们网站看了看, 是不行 阿国 字218 2007-09-23 18:19:36