
主题:【原创】“骑兵团”与“品牌” 开头 -- 山远空寒

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首先,品牌分类的方法很多,由品牌的内涵可以分为产品自身的,以及产品之外的;由公司与产品的关系可分为公司品牌、产品品牌;由19,20世纪工业产品与分销商之间的主动权争夺可分为生产商拥有的品牌,分销商拥有的品牌;由不同的产品品牌策略可分为系列品牌与单一品牌;由地域可分地区品牌与全球品牌;由目标市场的不同可分为细分市场品牌与全面市场品牌;比较新的由品牌建立的思路发展可分为物理品牌以及心理品牌;还有品牌形象,其又可细分为四类(Keller, 1993)Types of Brand Association; Favorability of Brand Associations; Strength of Brand Associations and Uniqueness of Brand Associations. 这四类里面还有更细的分法。如此众多的分法,品牌的定义自然也得兼顾,所以品牌是承诺,服务的说法不成立。至于联系到购买决策的过程,在下就想到消费体验(experienced),品牌的忠诚,以及品牌的市场细分。另一方面购买决策过程也需分行业,分产品,分地域,分消费者来区别看待。

其次,品牌的行业特点。比如市场上有两种瓶装纯净水,他们的广告都很多,生产线,质量,价格,容积相同。只是品牌不同,消费者会如何决策呢,根据品牌。承诺与服务相同或类似,所以品牌的定义不应局限于此。还有个例子,在工业领域,采购商订货的依据会考虑品牌,而承诺与服务还得白纸黑字写清楚。再有个现实的例子,在1996年1月6日,经济学家杂志第59页有个关于品牌的故事,说的是Toyota与General Motors 合资在美国建厂,生产出同样的产品,分别标示各自的品牌。GM的便宜300块,销量反而不到Toyota的一半。

接着,再抠定理。品牌的内涵(Brand article)可分为本质内涵(Intrinsic attributes,如果改变它们,就会改变产品自身)与外表内涵(Extrinsic attributes,不能被归纳在产品自身的品牌内涵,例如,品牌,包装,价格,生产地,品牌的年代等),而消费经历,承诺与服务,看起来似乎应该包括在本质内涵里面(Rik Riezebos,et al. 2003,p.32,p.40)。


The American Marketing Association defines a brand as: a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

Goodyear (1996) states a development of an individual brand where the brand initially is undifferentiated.

Brand equity consists of four major asset categories (Miriam Salzer-Morling and Lars Strannegard, 2004,p.227)

1.brand name awareness;

2 brand loyalty;

3.perceived quality; and

4.brand associations.

Brand theorists are interested in how consumers recall and recognise brands (e.g.Keller, 1993), how brands relate to perceived quality and price (e.g. Zeithaml,1998), and what types of associations brands evoke (e.g. Rossiter and Percy, 1998).

Melin (1997) focues on the core value of a brand.

Jensen (1999) interests in the narrative features of branding.

Brands are literally pictorial signs, relying more on design and images than on stories and meaning.(Miriam Salzer-Morling and Lars Strannegard, 2004).



Goodyear, M. (1996), "divided by a common language", Journal of the market Research Sociaty, April, pp.110-22.

Jensen, R. (1999), The Dream Society, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.

Keller, K.L. (1993), conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57 (1), 1-22.

Miriam Salzer-Morling and Lars Strannegard, 2004, Silence of the brands, European Journal of Marketing, Vol, 38 No.1/2.

Rik Riezebos, with Bas Kist and Gert Kootstra, 2003, Brand Management: A theoretical and practical approach, 1st edition, Prentice Hall.

Rossiter, J.R. and Percy, L. (1998), Advertising Communications & Promotion Management, McGraw-Hill, London.

Zeithaml, V.A. (1988), "consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52 No. 3, pp. 2-22.

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